Scripts and exercises in this manual will help you to:
- Define and understand moral injury in multiple contexts
- Identify features of moral injury in clients/patients and staff personnel
- Help others articulate their moral pain with precision and grasp the origin, context and function of moral injury
- Initiate successful appraisal and acceptance processing (flexible thinking)
- Facilitate adaptive grief process
- Enhance value clarification and initiate movement toward committed action (agency/self-efficacy)
- Adapt the MIEW to multiple populations in various clinical settings
Designed to visually depict the interrelationships between moral emotions and distressing moral events, the Moral Injury Experience Wheel (MIEW) gives language and conceptual understanding to moral injury. To date, therapists and clinical chaplains have used the wheel to help active military personnel, Veterans, health care workers, first responders, and law enforcement officials experience relief from the debilitating aftermath of moral injury.